A love letter to music



Dear music,



This might be one of the hardest love letters I will ever write. Because I don’t even know if it will ever be finished or if I will find the words for that matter. I might change it or add things with the passing of time and you know what, even the perfectionist in me is okay with that. I’m kind of terrified to write this, because I truly believe and feel that the power you possess is so much bigger than we will ever be able to comprehend. There is a reason why you are able to say things that “just” words fail to do. You don’t stand on your own, you are part of the entertainment industry, part of the world and a form of communication.



I write lyrics when I feel like I’m stuck in my head (or in life); I write lyrics to immortalize stories. I crawl behind my piano, my safe place, to play and it is one of the most precious possessions I own. The time I spend there is invaluable to me, it makes me happy on the inside. You have to allow yourself to feel the magic, but once you feel it, you’ll never get enough.



I use you for so many different reasons, I listen to you in so many different languages, reminiscing in old memories. You are helping me while learning new languages and I make new memories with you all the time. I connect with people because of you and I feel like I sometimes even understand friends better because of stories you tell and messages you preach. You helped me to learn and understand that it is okey to be me and that I (and every person for that matter) am great just as I am. While obviously not everyone will accept you as you are, you’ll find people who will, even if it takes a while. You might discover that the people you expected to accepted you as you are won’t or are unable to. But I know that everything was more bearable, because I had you to come back to, I had your world at the moments where reality got and gets too much. I’ll always be so incredible grateful for that!



You made me follow my dreams, because finally my heart spoke louder than my brain. I’m not going to lie; you challenge me every single day and it is something I signed up for. You are not like a 9 to 5 day and you will never be, because you are my day. People connect through you; people find themselves through you; people feel safer and are saved by you.



Until this day I get goosebumps thinking about Avicii. I grew up with his music and with that with his success; while reading “Tim”, his official biography, both, smiles and tears took over. His music saved so many lives, while it couldn’t save his. Nonetheless his legacy will always be there, love will be spread through his music. Even now, more than four years after he lost his life, he has around 30 million monthly listeners only on Spotify. One of many examples in which music is timeless and has the same power over so many generations; generations connect through music.



My heart speeds up when I’m at a concert, I feel grounded and humbled yet it makes me feel as if I can take on the world, as if I’m high on life. With you I always find something new, it starts my day, it ends it and I wouldn’t want it to be any other way. You never get boring and I’m afraid that the love I’ve for you is one of the reasons why my standards are so high. But that’s okay, although I might not always be patience, I know deep down that it is worth the wait. Until than I will work hard towards everything I imagine, even though I might not know where life and the future will take me, there is a vision in my head and for now that’s enough. It’s enough because I finally believe that that said vision is able to take me in the right direction.



You are way more complex than I could ever explain, in a way because you are way bigger than one tiny human ever will be. People who love you like I do will understand that there is a certain type of respect that I have for you. You are my safe place for as long as I can remember, you guided me through the roughest and loneliest times of my life and you supported me through some of the best days I’ve ever had. Thank you (and I love you) will never be enough, but I will keep on saying it because I don’t want to see the day on which I’m unable to do so and regret it for forever.



So, thank you, I love you!



All my love always,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to music”

  1. Dear Anna,

    You do express your true love for MUSIC in what you have written!
    And knowing you very good, I can imagine the importance of MUSIC for you, what you wrote about the meaning of MUSIC in your entire life!
    I can also declare, that it is true, that you wake up singing, and continue making music the whole day round, till you go to sleep. So MUSIC does keep you alive!

    Thank you for this Love Letter, which I can understand completely!

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