A love letter to a new year



Dear new year,


Every year people do the same thing. New year’s resolutions are made and every year they believe their own lie that they are going to keep them longer than a week. Never been a fan of them myself. Don’t get me wrong, if you are a person who is able to keep them throughout the year, amazing. I am definitely not and I don’t know many people who are. But there is so much more, that a new year brings without having to cut off the old year so very harsh. Because honestly, you can start a new habit or try something new every single day, a new year doesn’t have to start for that.


The days between Christmas and the new year are so vague and let’s be honest, most of the time we even forget what day it even is. Feelings are all over the place sometimes and a part of you can’t wait for January to start fresh. When this goes online it is 2023. Absolutely crazy to think that this is going to be the year in which I’ll be turning 22 (yes, I’ll be blasting “22” by Taylor Swift, nobody can stop me), because it still feels like I turned 18 yesterday.


Life has its ways and you have to be driven and work hard, while going through hurt, love, and everything in between. No new year is magically going to solve your problems, give you love or a partner, give you a vision for the future or plans in general. You are the writer of your own life, how cliché and scary that might be.


Maybe you have big plans in your career or in your private life. Maybe you are going through a break up or grieving a loss. You might be at the start of a beautiful relationship, no matter if it is platonic or romantic. People come into your life at the most unexpected times. Your life changes at the most unexpected times as well, but there are so many things in your daily life that you can “control”, that you can change. As already said above, you don’t need a new year for that.


However, I love looking forward to a new year, setting (reachable) goals and writing down things that I want to improve. But most of all, it is okay to not know how it is going to go. That’s part of the beauty of life in general. Yes, if you love, you will get hurt. Yes, if you take risks, you might fall down. But if you fall, you’ll get up again. Nothing hurts more than regret and if you’ve taken the risk, no matter what the outcome is, you have never failed. I don’t like the word “failing”, but that is a whole other story.


It’s okay to feel scared and nervous because it shows that you care. The hardest part, and in a way, I feel like every single person struggles with this somewhere in their life, is the feeling of not being enough. Still, get out of your comfort zone. Take the leap of faith and throw your heart all in. It could be that someone is actually there to catch you when you fall. What if not you ask? Then you will grow as a person, you’ll be hurt I’m not going to lie, but you will be stronger afterwards.


The only thing left for me to say is go and enjoy every month, every day of this year. Not because it is a new year and you have to magically change your whole life from one day to the other. But because our life is too short not to enjoy and to feel whatever we have.


Happy 2023!


All my love,




1 gedachte over “A love letter to a new year”

  1. Dear Anna,

    I love your thoughts about how to handle things that you are going to experience during this new year.
    And because you love music so much, I can advise you to listen to an old folksong from the Albion Band:
    “Dancing Under the Rose”! In the chorus of this song Cathy Lesurf sings: “It’s so hard to know, if you’re bound fo r a fall…
    It’s better to have tripped, then never dance at all!” And these words match perfectly to what you have written in your thoughts!

    Best wishes,

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