A love letter to traveling



Dear traveling,


Let me start this off with saying that I’m very conscious about the fact that I got to see many different places as a child and that I’m really grateful for that. I’ve seen many different countries and cities in Europe, went to New York in 2017 and it was a once in lifetime experience. Because that is the thing with traveling, you can see places many times, but every single time will be different. Maybe you’ll be there with different people, maybe many years have passed, maybe you recognize different things and maybe different things will be important to you because you changed and grew as a person. Which is something traveling will do to you as well, you grow as a person, you get to experience new things and you’ll be so much richer in memories when you come back because you’ll make so many new memories in such a short period of time. It is definitely a cliché, but it is so true.


I absolutely love London, been there three times by now and would go back at any time if I have the possibility to do so. Obviously, it gets easier to find your way around a city if you’ve been there a couple of times, but each time the experience is different. I have a so many different memories that I’ll keep for the rest of my life from each of these trips. Maybe it is the company you have, maybe it is in the places you visit, maybe it’s the people you meet or maybe it is something completely different.


Traveling can also be such a good way to meet yourself or to discover new things about yourself that you didn’t even know existed. It is about adventures in whichever way possible and about stories that you’ll be able to tell for the rest of your life. You might know where you are going, what your travel destination is, but you don’t know the experiences and memories you’ll gain from that adventure and trip. It is kind of the same thing as we have with love, career, friendships and every other aspect of life. Cliché but true, in the end we only regret and remember the chances we didn’t take.


Maybe traveling is like a book. Every time you visit a new place or revisit places you’ve already seen you are writing a new chapter. Looking back and looking forward, some places have left me speechless, but made me a storyteller afterwards. Honestly, as I am growing as a person and as I’m becoming more comfortable in who I am and in what I do, I can’t even begin to explain the happiness I feel about hopefully exploring so many more places this amazing world has to offer in the future.

Do you know the sentence “wherever you are be all there”? For the past months or even years I really tried to work on that. For me this was really hard, I’m a person that loves to be in control, to make decisions for the future now and if it all comes together, I can really be a big overthinker. Traveling has played a prominent role in boosting my confidence and self-esteem and that made me love it even more than I already did.


Every time I get to explore new places it makes me realize that there is always more to learn and how small I am in this big world, that we are all part of something so much bigger than we as individuals could ever be. It doesn’t matter if I travel for or with people that I care about, I love it either way, but it is a different kind of love. Not worse or better, just different. I absolutely can’t wait to explore what the future will bring starting with hopefully some really great trips in 2023.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to traveling”

  1. Dear Anna,

    The topic of this love letter is one I also adore!
    And you are so right that visiting other countries, other cities and especially meeting other people is so exciting and important for developing oneself…
    To travel is very important for your own development, next to the fact that you also can exchange your feelings and experiences with other people! .
    Anna, I hope you will get enough opportunities to discover a lot of new places in 2023!

    Best wishes!

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