A love letter to trust



Dear trust,


I already wrote a “love letter” to love, so that wasn’t really one I could do with valentine’s day being tomorrow. Honestly, I realised way too late that the day after this exact post would go up was valentine’s day. Coincidentally, when I planned out the month of February, I put the “love letter” to trust on today’s date and I think that it also fits very well with the theme of love and valentines. No matter if it is about loving yourself, the people around you or that one special person. Trust is such a big part of our life, but it is fragile.


Trust will be broken many times during the course of your life, even by people you never expected that they would break it. It is what it is and I’m definitely not going to romanticize that for you. Putting your trust into people might be one of the hardest things to do. Yet, sometimes you are fortunate enough to meet or find people who you immediately connect with, where trusting is easy and where you can be exactly who you are and that is enough. You’ll need patience to find people like that and it takes time, but it is 100% worth it. Opening up your heart is always a risk, but you are alive. With taking the risk of getting hurt you’re also taking the beautiful risk of finding immense happiness.


Something that helped me and still is helping honestly when it comes to the process of trusting people who surround me is the reminder that (fully) trusting someone can bring you one of two things. It either brings you a person for life or a lesson for life.


Looking back at people who have broken my trust big time in the past there is one thing I always noticed. They always say something like “forgive and forget” and I can only roll my eyes at that. Because no, I won’t “forgive and forget”, I will “learn and remember”, because I am not only learning from my own mistakes, I am also learning from yours. I might be a good and strong enough person to deal with what you’ve done to me, but it is your own fault that you broke my trust and I’m not stupid enough to fully trust you again.


This world demands from us to be brave, but it seems as if there is no room for bravery. We all fight our own battles; we break down in silence and let the tears flow when we are alone. We try to be brave enough to be ourself and instead of supporting each other people’s jealousy, for example, makes sure that it is even harder to be who you are.

This world also needs love, and it needs so much of it. Love is strongly connected with trust. Maybe trust is even the best proof of love. This starts with yourself, because trusting yourself and loving yourself are very close related.


Love and trust go hand in hand. Trust is hard to find and often it seems so easy to lose. But trusting is equivalent to taking a risk and sometimes that is really all what matters in life, because you are moving forward, you are learning, you are hurting, you are vulnerable and you feel all the feelings. All bonds we have in life are somehow build on trust. Even if it takes time to trust yourself and with others it sometimes grows fast and it sometimes grows slow, it is worth it.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to trust”

  1. Dear Anna,

    You have chosen a veryimportant topic: “TRUST”.
    And you have written some very important thoughts about “TRUST”.

    I want to add a very good quote of a well known Dutch writer, Rutger Bregman:
    “Of the most beuatiful things in life you only get more, when you give them away: TRUST, FRIENDSHIP and PEACE.”
    Thank you very much for your thoughts!

    Ed Silanoe

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