Dear art,
There have been times where I’ve cursed you and wanted to eliminate you. Mostly as a child, because I’ve been dragged to more museums than I can count. Everywhere we would go, we would at least visit one museum. Back in the day I didn’t really have an opinion about it, it wasn’t something I hated but also not something that I really enjoyed. It was more of a neutral thing that was part of my normalcy. As with many things, looking back now, I’m so thankful that I’ve seen so much art in so many different forms of its existing.
And now music, which is art as well, is one of the most important things in my life. Every single day music shows me that art is not limited and that it comes in many different forms. We find art in different aspect of our life, even in places where we don’t expect to find it. Art probably accompanied and maybe even guided us through parts of our life and often we don’t appreciate it enough.
Art is very personal. You often hear people say that it is not about what you are looking at, but about what you see and the same thing goes for listening to music for example. I totally agree that sometimes less is more, but sometimes you can find art exactly in the chaos. We always try to explain moments or desperately want to find the ‘right’ words. However, not always, but sometimes we should live for the moments we can’t find the words for. Now that I’m thinking of it, maybe that is why I personally like to take pictures in some situations. Not just to capture that moment and to look back at it later, but also so that the picture can speak and I don’t have to find the words because I know that I’m unable to do that.
We as human beings are a work of art well. With all our imperfections and flaws we are art; we are loveable and we are beautiful just as we are. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are always people out there that find beauty in us.
Ever since I was a small child I made ’art’, most of us hopefully did. Just crafting using whatever we could find and let our creativity take over. I whole heartly encourage you to do the same thing in whatever aspect of life it feels good and comfortable to you right now. Because making bad art is always better than making no art. And if we are really honest, there is no bad art, because as already said before, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Don’t let yourself be held back by the feeling of not liking something anymore in a couple of months or a couple of years. Because that will always happen and it’s okay, but it is an important part of your journey. Don’t let yourself be held back by the feeling that you might fail. Because first of all, failure is always part of the process and second of all, if you avoid failure, you are also avoiding the success you could have.
People always say ‘go the extra mile’ and the older I get the more I understand and I try to do exactly that. Going the extra mile is a path that is never crowded, because not many people go there. I’m starting to see that it is part of who I am, so if I’m unapologetically me than I will always try to go the extra mile. Life is too short not to express yourself in whatever form of art fits you the best. Don’t only look at the obvious art you see on a daily basis, because there is art in so many more things in life.
All my love,
Dear Anna,
This topic on ART is one I like very much! Because Art is something Ihave been really interested in all my life.
I one paragraph in this “love letter” you state that we, as human beings, are also “a piece of art”. In the musical “Hair” (1969/1970, by Gerome Ragni and James Rado, “HAIR” the Tribal Love-Rock Musical), there is a song that says exactly what you intended to tell us. This song is called: “What a Piece of Work is Man”, and it goes like this:
What a piece of work is man
How noble in reason
How infinite in faculties
In form and moving
How express and admirable
In action how I like an angel
In apprehension how like a god
The beauty of the world
The paragon of animals …
And what you wrote about the appreciation of art, that can grow during your whole life, is also true!
If you encounter things of art with an open mind and you take the time to open your heart and head for it, you surely will be rewarded and discover that art is a thing of beauty and will be a joy for ever!
I will end my piece of writing by trying to translate a poem on ART by the Dutch poet Martin Bril (1959-2009), the title of his poem is: KUNST (=ART).
what we want
Moments of brightness
Or even better: of
Complete clarity
Those moments are
And also well hidden
So going to look for it
Hardly makes any sense
But to find it definitely will
The art is to live in a way
That it will occur to you
That clarity, every now and again
All my love,