A love letter to concerts



Dear concerts,


A while ago I realised that even though I’ve written a “love letter” about music, I never came around to writing one about live performances and concerts alone. Shame on me really. So, it is about time to rectify that situation and write a “love letter” to concerts. Because I could talk hours and hours about live music. It can be the feeling it gives, the message it conveys or letting the music and atmosphere go right into your heart.


Concerts are one the places at which I feel at home. It really is a form of magic, because up till this day I still don’t know how live music is able to do that. It’ like travelling back in time to so many different memories while listening to the songs while making new memories at the same time. Losing yourself in a crowd where everybody is equal for a moment and maybe even finding parts of yourself right there in that exact same moment.


There are many people around me with whom I’ve shared concert experiences, but I also love to just go to a concert on my own. Yes, it is different, but certainly a good different. Which is funny, because growing everybody always saw me as this little, shy kid who always needed some time to observe and look at the situation before opening up and becoming a part of it. Of course, I’ve grown up and developed myself as a person since then. However, all of that seemed to disappear back then the moment I’m doing something with music and it hasn’t changed since.


I’m not good at being out of control, but the moment I set foot into a music venue I can just let go. As many people say, you forget all the heartache and all the problems you and the world have for a moment, when you are losing yourself in the music and the crowd. To me these are moments that are so full of emotion and feelings that words don’t even come close. My energy can go from zero to one hundred the moment the music starts. I already told, when I was at my lowest point, music was there and the same thing goes for concerts. It might sound very desperate and needy, but in a way, it is most definitely true, (live) music was a big part of what saved me and of what kept me sane. I’m still so incredibly grateful for that and the love I have for it keeps growing.


Sometimes I wish that nights with concerts could last forever. I’m not only talking about the moment the music plays, but about everything around it as well. On the other hand, it is also so much fun and so exhilarating to be able to live towards these nights every single time, because you know that they are never the same. Even if you are seeing the same artist or artists perform on that stage, not one concert is exactly the same as the other. So yes, I one hundred percent will see artists more than once if I have the possibility to do so.


Sometimes nights turn into morning, friends turn into family and different places and people turn into home. Concerts are one of those places for me.

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” – Plato

All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to concerts”

  1. Dear Anna,

    Like you I can loss myself completely in music! I recognize immediately what you wrote about your thoughts and feelings when you are listening to singers, bands, in a concerthall ore in the open air! You are lost in music and forget everyone and everything around you.
    It is you who asked me to accompany to concerts from one of your favourite singer soingwriters Remme. And I love that. Since some years I enjoyed theprivilege to accompany you to several concerts and I feel so free and happy not only by listening to the band or the singer, but to be there with you! I love it to see how you enjoy the music!
    As a teenager I also had the urge to go to concerts, but I had not the possibility to go.
    Nowadays I have been on more concerts with you or on my own, than I did when I was in my prime! It is one of the most wonderful things that happen to me the last few years, thanks to you!

    And yes, Plato is right: “Music does really gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything!”

    Best wishes,

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