A love letter to relationships



Dear relationships,


Relationships, we find them throughout our whole life. They maybe even build our life to be honest. However, they are a pretty complex concept if you think about them. We build so many relationships with so many people during our life. Sometimes it is a stronger and deeper connections and sometimes it isn’t, which is totally okay! Honestly, sometimes it feels as if it is as easy as saying that it’s just depends on the type of relationship that you have with someone.


Disclaimer: I’m very conscious about the fact that I’m not only talking about romantic relationships in this ‘love letter’, but about relationships in general. Relationships connect us through emotions, experiences and connections. They come in various forms, from the bonds of family and friends to the profound intimacy of romantic partnerships. In all their diversity, relationships play a fundamental role in shaping our identity, well-being, and personal growth.


At their core relationships are all about connection. We feel a sense of belonging, we get a feeling of being understood and most of all the assurance that we are not alone in this world. These connections are the emotional glue that binds us to others, creating a network of support and care. Needless to say, that in healthy relationships you try to be the same for other people.


We use relationships as building blocks for our own identity. Honestly, I truly believe that you have to surround yourself with people who feel good, and who make you a better person because that is the only way in which you can be truly yourself. If we isolate ourselves from everything and everyone there will always be a certain part of our life that will be incomplete.

Emotional rollercoaster. Yes, that is what relationships definitely are. However, the beauty of this is found in the fact that in a healthy relationship we find a balance. All the ups and downs form a whole that we wouldn’t want to change for the world. Conflicts will always be part of a relationship, but you find your way through them. Never forget that it is good to have those moments as well, because they make you stronger.


Relationships evolve over time. Friendships deepen, romantic partnerships may progress to marriage or end, and family dynamics shift as individuals grow and develop. Adaptability is key in maintaining healthy relationships, as it allows us to embrace change and growth together. And I truly appellate for a healthy balance between independence and togetherness in a good working, healthy and loving relationship. While it is important to maintain one’s individuality and pursue personal goals, it’s equally essential to invest time and effort into nurturing the bonds that matter most.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to relationships”

  1. Dear Anna,
    With great inerest I’ve read this “Love Letter”.
    Especially the last two paragraphs caught my attention.
    I love what you wrote: “We use relationships as building blocks for our own identity…”
    And: “Conflicts will always be part of a relationship…” That is really true.
    I also think you are right in what you wrote in the last paragraph in the last sentence: “While it is important to maintain one’s individuality and pursue personal goals…”

    Thank you very muc again, Anna.
    Best wishes,

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