A love letter to believing



Dear believing,


Maybe it is weird but fascinating at the same time, thinking about all the things and people we can believe in. I don’t know about you, but for the longest time the first connection I made when I heard the word believing was a religious one. No question, that is still something that contains believing, but believing can be so much more. And that is exactly what I hope that this love letter is going to be about.


Sometimes the saying “fake it till you make it” has everything to do with believing. In a way you become what you believe. Believing that you’ll never make it, or that there is absolutely no way that you will achieve what you want to achieve you will always be held back. The worst thing? You are the one who is holding you back. It doesn’t matter what your way is and how long it takes for you to walk that road, the first step to living your dream is believing it first. Cause everything you need is within you, you learn every day, you take steps into the right direction every day even though it might not always be very obvious.


Believing in yourself, but also believing in other people and people you love and care about also means trusting them and yourself. Surrounding yourself with people that have this feel like this to and about you is incredibly important.

The older I get the clearer it becomes, often we only know what something was or is after the moment has passed. You may act out of your intuition, you may feel free, safe and a good kind of nervous. For the longest time I was content with who I was, but I still felt like that wouldn’t be enough for someone else.


At some point, I don’t even know when exactly it happened, I just didn’t care anymore. I was me, I started to worry less and less about maybe being “too much” or “not enough”. Maybe I never really had the obvious self-confidence people talk about. But I always had the confidence to start new things, to meet new people, to see new places and the self-confidence to know that I’ll make it through hard changes, that life will get better and absolutely has a plan for you as long as you believe and work hard in and on yourself. And I can finally say, that most of the time I have the confidence to walk into a room and not having to compare myself to anyone in there.


Many people worry about how something happens, how they are going to make something happen. Often that is exactly why they mis the moments they live in. Honestly, I’m guilty of doing that myself, but I try to believe that it will happened more than worry about the how. I think that is part of the mentality that you try to have when you don’t want to just exist, but to really live.


I read this quote, which I think is actually beautiful: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings.” It feels as if we should become more aware of this in our own life. Because the more faith we have in ourselves, the better we can be the person others need us to be without losing ourselves in the process.

Believing is part of love and loving. Giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting and believing in them to not to.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to believing”

  1. Dear Anna,

    I love what you have written about BELIEVING. The last few sentences are very good.
    You have written some important thoughts that it’s worth to keep in mind! Thank you for that!

    In my personal experiences I found out that when there is a great distance between you and the people you care for,
    this distance can create a very intense feeling within you. And can inspire you to express that feeling in words which are worth to put it in a letter to these special person(s).

    So thank you for this “loveletter” that gives me food for thoughts!
    Best wishes,

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