A love letter to friends



Dear friends,


So, friends, where do I even start. Friendships come with ups and downs. People come and go into your life and somewhere along the way you find people who get to know you through and through. People who will take you as you are with all your flaws and will become friends who hopefully last a lifetime. Some friendships might grow slow other will grow really fast. Sometimes a friendship might grow to become more than “just a friendship” and you will find a romantic relationship. Because we all know the cliché saying that your partner should be your best friend.


Sometimes it really is a connection that we can’t quite explain. It just clicks, there is not much explanation needed other than that you complement each other and take the other person as they are with all their imperfections and flaws. Friends really become the family your chosen family so choose them wisely and treasure them just as much. Some people in your life might turn out as a lesson, they might look like they are gold but it appears that they were only plated with gold. But then you have others, the real ones, the ones that look like gold and that are actually gold, the ones that you would walk through fire for and the ones that are so valuable because you don’t find them twice in a lifetime.


It is definitely a cliché, but maybe that is also a bit what this “love letter” is about, a true will accepts you as you are while also helping you to become the person you should be and you were meant to be. They make your smile brighter and your life better. Take it from me, you don’t need dozens of those in your life, when you have a couple of good ones you are incredibly fortunate. And I will always be grateful for mine.


The moment you start focusing on the good instead of always trying to make time for people who don’t make time for you, the good only gets better. You have more focus for your real friends and that is something that will be rewarded in the end. I still have some friends from high school, the circle got a lot smaller for sure, but the friendship is way more intense and even way better than it was back then. Obviously, we all grew up and matured but still, the foundation remains the same.


I truly don’t believe that friends are “lost” in life, I simply think that we learn to know and see who the trues ones are. You are not a bad person if you keep your circle small, but full of loyal friends. You simply learned who brings out the best of you and who enriches your life. That is something you should be so proud of! So much is possible in life if you have the right people around you to support you. I would honestly dare to say, that you need good friends just as much as the perseverance to chase your dreams and goals when it comes to a successful career. Whatever it may be that you define as a successful career or to say it in an even better way, a successful life.


It’s about the friends with whom you can take off your “I’m okay” hat, who show you that it is okay to fall apart once in a while, who show you that they stay and that they are not going anywhere. Ow how I treasure these people, how I try to be there for them just as much as they are there for me because friendships and love always is a two-sided street.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to friends”

  1. Dear Anna,
    I have read your loveletter to/about FRIENDS and I think that you dealt with a lot of things that intensifies your feelings about what friends shoul be.
    I recognize a lot of what you have written about, how you have intensified your feelings for your true friends.
    And I am convinced that the true friends you’ve mentioned will think and feel the same as you wrote about.

    You know the old verse, in which lies a lot of truth:
    “Make new friends, but keep the old.
    One is silver but the other gold!”

    I have experienced throughout my personal life how important it is, that you have to be open minded to other people. Only then it iwill be possible to make a good connection with them.
    Family you can’t choose, but (good) friends you can.
    An old Irish saying says:
    “A stranger is just a friend, you do not know yet.”
    Another saying:
    “True friendship does not mean being inseparable, but being separate, being able to be without anything changing”.

    Thank you for this letter, Anna.
    Best wishes, Ed.

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