Dear helping,
You might think it is kind off weird to be writing a “love letter” about helping. However, it might be harder than you think. Most importantly, there is a very fine line as to where being helpful becomes unhealthy for yourself. Helping is part of being kind, it is part of doing good and receiving good. Being blessed is one thing, but being a blessing to someone else is also worth so much.
Maybe the key point at the root of “helping out” is realising why you are helping someone. You know that you alone won’t change the world, but the thought that a single stone can create many ripples on the water is what keeps you going. You don’t have to be there for everyone that is not possible, but you can be there for some people, you can be their rock and their helping hand if they need one.
When it comes to many things in life, I always have been more of an emotional person than a rational person. Over time I’ve gotten to know myself more and that makes it a little bit easier, because it is definitely true, it is both, a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply. If you think about it, giving is a big part of helping. Checking in with people is part of helping, because you might not always see someone’s struggle on the outside. Always remember, just because someone carries it well doesn’t make it less heavy.
Sometimes helping someone can help you with the process of finding yourself. However, also remember who you are, because that will forever be a gamechanger. But helping honestly is one of the most beautiful things. You receive while you give and you might make someone’s day a little bit better or the weight on someone’s shoulder a little bit easier to carry. At this point maybe also a little reminder that helping can have many different faces. There is not one universal thing that you can do to be helpful, it always has to be adapted to the situation.
If I’m in the position to help someone out in whichever way possible, I will try to do so. You are not only helping a person out; you are also there for them and you let them know that they are not alone. This is something that often even has more impact on someone’s life than you might imagine. Showing kindness and showing love is worth so much even if there will always be people who won’t understand that.
Little plot twist coming up. Have you ever thought about the fact that helping is not only about helping others, but also about helping yourself. I’m not even talking about very big things. Helping yourself can look like taking a night off and wind down by taking a bath, it can be a nice dinner for yourself or just really thinking about yourself and your own health. Because you can’t take care or be there for anyone else if you neglect yourself.
So, this kind off became a rambling letter again about different things. It is hard writing about something that is not always seen or tangible. If I would have to summarize it or say it in a simple way, I think you could say that helping is a loveable thing. Helping is positive as long as you don’t lose yourself in it.
All my love,
Dear Anna,
I found this “Love Letter” on “Helping” was not easy to understand.
You say the same in the last paragraph.
The last line of this letter is very important, and worth to remember:
Helping is positive as long as you don’t lose yourself!
Besdt wishes,