Dear Kindness,
I feel like this one is going to be a bit easier to write about than last weeks “love letter” about pain. Maybe because kindness already has a positive connotation upfront most of the time. Or maybe it is just because we associate more positive things with kindness than with pain for example. But kindness is not a given thing that we should take for granted, because it is so much more and it might be even harder to remain kind and true to yourself in some situations.
Be the one who makes others feel included, be the one that tries to make everybody feel like they are somebody, like they are special and worth it, because they are. And in some situations, if you feel like you can’t be kind at the moment because it is just too hard, it sometimes might be better to stay quiet before you do something that you’ll regret later on.
A big part and maybe even the start of kindness is the understanding of the fact that everybody is struggling in some way. Empathy, trying to understand and being there for the people around you. Kindness can be shown in many different ways. I once read the quote “choose being kind over being right and you’ll be right every time”. It took some time for me to really realise what that meant or maybe to understand what it meant to me. However, it is a beautiful sentence to me and in a way, I truly believe that it is true.
Put your trust into kindness even if it makes you vulnerable. Something that is very important as well, treat yourself with kindness, because if you can treat yourself with kindness, you’ll realise that it becomes way easier to treat others with kindness. You shouldn’t’ expect a reward when treating people with kindness, because that is not what it is about. I truly believe, if you trust the timing of your life, you’ll get what you give eventually. It is something I already experienced in little thing, but in big things as well. Always remember that you need to be you, not them.
On your bad days it might take more strength and willpower to be kind than on others, but it is worth it. Maybe this goes with the “love letter” about going the extra mile, but do something nice, even if it is not your job. If you ask yourself what you are living for and who you are living for the first answer should be you. If it isn’t, you might be living life the wrong way. This doesn’t mean that you have to be egocentric or whatsoever, on the contrary, you’ll see that you’ll be able to be a better person to others and that you are able of enriching other people’s life’s just as they hopefully enrich yours.
With being kind and spreading kindness you are loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weaknesses. Search for kindness in the little things, because those will eventually lead you to the big ones. One little kind word could change someone’s whole day.
So, spread love, spread positivity, spread kindness. And sometimes remember that it is okay to be a little more kind than necessary.
All my love,
Dear Anna,
This has been a very important “Love Letter”.
Kindness, you can’t show that enough.
Important are the last two paragrahs, and I surely agree with your remark: “…One little kind word could change someone’s whole day!”
Sincerely yours,