Dear letting go,
Letting go comes in many different forms and sometimes it feels like we encounter it on a daily basis. Some days it might be harder and more present than on others. Saying goodbye for a while involves letting go. Trying new things often involves letting go of the old. Finding new things or people you care about or love involves letting go cause life goes on. Letting go is a part of growing. And no doubt, it doesn’t really get easier over time, it might get different though.
Letting go is not easy and it doesn’t happen automatically, it’s an active process that you have to work on, you have to put in the effort and energy. Letting go takes a lot of strength, something we sometimes underestimate. However, letting go is not necessary a negative thing. In some situations, it depends on how you view the situations and on how you handle them. If something isn’t good for you or puts you in an unhealthy position, letting go can even be the most positive thing you’ll do, but it takes courage to acknowledge this.
Letting go of perceptions, judgement, people who you thought cared about you, you name it. So much that you can let go of, but on the other side, there is so much to hold on to as well. You can let go of something and find something that is worth holding onto along the way. Something you never knew you needed in your life, something you didn’t know you were missing, but it makes your life so much better that you’re grateful and thankful every day that it came into your life. Because now you can’t imagine your life without, you never knew how it would enrich and change your life for the better. And all of that because you tried something new, let go of something old, opened up yourself and your journey for a new adventure.
You know what’s beautiful? Somewhere in life you might find a handful of people who you don’t have to let go off but who will go with you through the process of letting other things or people go. They know you; they really know you. Your flaws, the little things that irritate you or whatever it might be. They are people with whom you just click, you can rely on them, talk to them, trust them and make memories with them. They are not only with you in the times that you are happy, but they will help you to get through the rough times in life as well.
Letting go might feel like a roller coaster, maybe one day you have to let go of a certain path you’ve had in mind and on the next day you might find yourself in a position where you can follow a different path that connects even more beautiful parts of your life and will hopefully show you even more possibilities on how good life can be even if there are obviously ups and downs.
So, I guess the core of this is also part of the process of opening yourself up to new experiences and the world in general. It is exciting, thrilling and nerve-wrecking as well to look ahead and seeing all of the new things that are coming. Memories that you will make and lessons you will learn that will last your whole life.
All my love,
Dear Anna,
I read this love letter about “letting go” with great interest and understanding.
I recognized a lot of what you have written.
A german Friend of mine once wrote me a very good quote:
“Thoughts you have let go of, will always find new ways!” And I agree.
In the fourth paragraph of your love letter where you wrote about “…a handfullof people who you don’t have to let go off..” is very important. This reminds of an old nursery rhyme:
“Make new friends, but keep the old,
One is silver, but the other gold!”
The “old friends”with whom you always feel “at home” are very important in your live. They will always be there and give you the feeling that you’re not alone in the world. And it’s important to know that they won’t let you go, but they will always be there when you need them.
Thank you for this love letter, Anna.
Best wishes,