A love letter to making it happen



Dear making it happen,


Making it happen? What is that really? It can mean so much and yet it often means so little. People who always talk about all the things that they are going to do or will achieve, but never take any action to actually get there. It’s one of the things so many people think about the saying “just make it happen”, but it is one that is easier said than done and that most definitely hurts many people as well.


Honestly, in the grand tapestry of life, aspirations and dreams serve as the colorful threads that weave our individual stories. But you have to take action! For these dreams to transcend mere wishes and become tangible realities, one must embark on a journey of determination, persistence, and action. 


There is no ‘recipe’ on how to make it happen. The art of doing that is not confined to a specific field of endeavour; it is universal principal. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to launch a startup, an artist aiming to create a masterpiece, or a student striving to excel academically, the process remains fundamentally the same. You transform an abstract vision or thought into concrete achievements through a serieus of deliberate steps, it doesn’t matter how small these might be on some days.


To me it might even be a ‘bad’ phrase to say to someone else, because I feel like most of the time it makes people feel pressured or bad. However, I like to use it on myself sometimes. I often use it when I reflect on myself. In that case it has no wrong or pressured meaning, it partly just reminds me of how far I’ve already come. And yeah, maybe the sentence should be more like ‘chasing after you goals and dreams’, because honestly, that is mostly what we are trying to do isn’t it? 


So, let’s call it ‘chasing your goal’ instead of ‘make it happen”, then we will see that the journey of chasing your goals is one that defines our lives, it propels us forward and kind of gives meaning to what we do in our daily lives. Remember that I’m am most definitely not only talking about career advancement. In this case I am talking about many different parts of your life. Yes, it can be some career advancement, but it can also be personal growth, the fulfilment of a lifelong dream or something else. Chasing about something (in both the good and the bad way) is always a testament to your ambition, resilience and determination.


“make it happen”, it is not a sentence I wouldn’t really say to anyone else, but I love it when I use it to reflect on myself. I love to use it when seeing how far I’ve come already, because that is something we tend to brush of. We often see big steps as small once, not realizing how important they really are. So, it is time to give yourself more credits! Because you are doing amazing, in setting out your own path.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to making it happen”

  1. Dear Anna,

    Again an interesting Love Letter.
    Amelia Earhart once said: “The most effective way to do it, is to do it!”
    And when you want “to make it happen”, Benjamin Franklin advice will be: “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
    It was very interesting to read this letter and it gave me “food for thoughts”, thank you very much, Anna.

    Best wishes,

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