A love letter to summer



Dear Summer,


The moment this “love letter” will be published I’ve officially started my last week of classes in this academic year. Which, honestly, feels crazy to say, because it went extremely fast. However, I’m looking forward to a much-needed break with some mor flexible time. It might not be very tranquil, but at least not as busy and it will get me out of this routine that I’m in right now, which is something I really long for. This goes with the fact that I’m really looking forward to everything that is going to happen these next months.


Obviously, as you get older, you always have some obligations in life. Summer might not be as carefree as it was, when you were a little kid, but that does not make it less special or beautiful. Summer always seems to fly bye so you better enjoy it while it’s here. It’s kind off the same with the holidays in December, yet different. Summer, where do I even start.

It is a time like any other, maybe some more trips or vacations, spending more time outside or just simply enjoying the sun. Still, it feels special. Obligations are always part of it, but being more outside, longer days and shorter nights have something magical. Watching the sun set or watching the sun rise, watching the sky full of stars, you name it. Maybe it is very simple, maybe love makes summer even more special.


Love, love for yourself, your life, other people or for what you do. Maybe that’s what makes every season and every day a little bit more special. Maybe it’s the unknown that makes you excited and even a little bit scared. Maybe you look forward to new things that will happen or start after the summer just as when you were a kid and started a new year at school.


To me reflecting on the first half of the year is a big part of summer as well and if I could tell the me half a year ago all the plans and things that are coming up, I would have told myself that I’m completely crazy. Two amazing city trips and vacations are coming up, I’ve met someone who completely changed my life for the better, someone who supports me with what I do, I’m starting my internship in September and it feels like puzzle pieces are falling into place. There even is a possible plan regarding a master’s degree and work in the next year(s). although it is scary, it also feels really great to have and make these plans, because they feel right. Who know, it might be the magic of summer or the magic of life in general, I don’t really care as long as it feels right.


The tans from the summer will fade and the colder days will come again, but the memories you made will last a lifetime. They are part of what can help you to create your own sunshine on some of the darker days. And life taught me that it will give you people that feel like sunshine all year around if you surround yourself with them. Yes, it might take a while to find them, so be patient, but it is absolutely worth it.


This might have become a rant about summer and seasons of life that is completely all over the place, but it felt great to write and sometimes that is all you need.


All my love,



1 gedachte over “A love letter to summer”

  1. Dear Anna,

    This “Love Letter” on Summer, you wrote, expresses your feeling at this moment.
    It is a good thing that you took some time to think this over.
    I witnissed a lot of moments you have had, and changed a lot of things in and around you.

    I admire the openess in which you expresses a lot of things that happened to you during this summerperiod!
    It has been, as you already wrote, very stressful in a way, but also joyful!
    That’s life! You can’t know everything in advance! The fiture’s not ours to see!
    I noticed, that you have grown very well during the last few months.

    Great things will happen for you, within short.
    Your internship for example, will be a great challenge! A new adventure, something to be looking forward to!
    I Am sure that you will make the best out of it!

    And I am convinced that the power you have been generating during this summerperiod will have a good impact on the new things you will meet during the second half of this year!

    I wish you all the best, Anna.
    sincerely yours,

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