A love letter to the truth




Dear truth,



How often in life do we think that we hear the truth, when we are really hearing a lie? The line between the truth and the lies can be very thin sometimes. However, both of them keep us busy, even if we don’t want it. I once read the quote “I can handle the truth, it’s the lies that kill me.” Something I really have been reminding myself of, because it is one thing that I experienced myself in the past.



The lies you hear are the words that will make you think that you are the problem, that will make you feel as if you are never worthy or good enough. The truth might be painful as well, but it won’t last as long and the effects won’t resonate as long as the lies do. Think about it, one day you’ll tell one of the stories of your life, you will remember the pain and I have a feeling that the pain that lies gave you will cut deeper than the pain that the truth gave you. The truth might be a pain that hurts but cures, like a surgery. A lie, on the other hand might feel like a painkiller it gives instant relieve (probably to both, the liar and the one who is hearing the lie), but it will have side-effects that last forever.



Growing up is hard, I think that most people will agree on that. However, there is one good thing about it that will make your life a little bit easier. You’ll stop caring so much about what other people think about you. And honestly, as long as you thing too much about what other people think of you your life never will be completely yours. Storms in life will change you, but they can make you better, it is all about how you use them.



Another thought, in which category falls it if people hold information back? Are they still telling the truth or are they already good on their way to be lying? It takes courage to remain kind in a situation that is cruel to you. But it also reminds you that you don’t have to lower yourself to someone else their level. With this comes the fact that some people just keep denying the truth, forgetting that you cannot change the facts. Telling lies to protect someone you love only destroys them in the end.


Being trusted by people is an honour, so don’t lie to people who trust you. On second thought, you shouldn’t lie to anyone, but especially not the people who trust you. Because trust won’t be able to live in the same space as lies and secrets. Never take anyone’s trust for granted. The truth always goes a longer way than a lie, a lie stands on one leg and the truth does stand on two.



One thing that really hit me hard is the fact that one lie is enough for you to question every truth that is expressed after. But I never stopped believing in the truth and in spreading the truth. It only made me realise that I much rather have the pain that truth will bring me than the pain that lies do. I truly believe that communication saves so many different relationships and I can’t promise that it will always work, but I will at least always try to live by the truth and by communicating properly.



All my love,




1 gedachte over “A love letter to the truth”

  1. Dear Anna,
    Writing a “Love Letter” on the truth is a good thing.
    But what struck me was that in this letter you connected almost every time when you say something about your topic “The Truth” with “Lies”.
    Ofcourse both subjects are always closely intertwined, but It would be helpful to give your description of what you yourself think about “The Truth”, without linking it on the opposite “Lies”…

    And, of course, your resolve to live out the truth as much as possible is most commendable.

    Best wishes, Anna!

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